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We are disappointed to learn of the City of Utica’s decision to decline our contract proposal.

As a 113-year-old organization and the largest lifesaving, non-profit animal shelter in Oneida County, Anita’s Stevens Swan Humane Society (SSHS) is confident in our ability to provide the most thorough and humane care possible to the community’s animals – a commitment that is core to our mission and was reflected in our proposal. As a no-kill shelter, the primary services provided by SSHS are rescue, response and adoption/rehoming work, as well as other hands-on animal care services.
Today, our remaining concerns are shared with the taxpayers who fund the city’s animal services – we only want assurance that the animals are receiving adequate and humane treatment and transparency to that effect.

Anita A. Vitullo

Help Put a Stop to Animal Cruelty