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About the Foster Friends Program

Our mission at Anita's Stevens Swan Humane Society is to utilize our experienced and dedicated team, to take care of at-risk animals who have been neglected, abandoned, or unwanted in Oneida County. Every animal that walks through our doors is provided with a stable and safe environment to live in until they find their lifelong home. There is no denying that the shelter environment is a stressful one for those with four paws, who can’t understand why they’ve ended up here. That is where we need your help. Fostering an animal ensures that they are receiving the human interaction, activity level, health improvements, and rest that they deserve. We strive to give each animal the one-on-one time they yearn for every week, but we know the environment and care of a happy home is what they really need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Foster Friend Essentials

The minimum requirements to foster with us are:

  • Must be 21 years of age, or older.
  • Must live within the Mohawk Valley area.
  • Must be allowed to have animals in the home (if you rent, we will need to verify with your landlord that animals are allowed in the residence).
  • Must be able to transport your foster animal to and from Anita’s Stevens Swan Humane Society on an as needed basis.
  • Must be willing to agree to a house visit (if required).
  • Must list a minimum of 3 references, only one of which can be a trusted family member.
  • Must list your current or closest and trusted Veterinary Clinic/Veterinarian (if applicable).
  • Must agree to let your animals live and sleep animals indoors.

Apply Now

Can't foster now, but want to help? Donate here.

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